30 Aug 2015

சாமி வரம் கொடுத்தும் .......பூசாரி !


No. PF-CL/2015 Dated: 27th August, 2015

Ref- DG POST LR. NO. 2-53/2011-PCC DT. 22-1-2015 & 1-5- 2015

This is regarding non implementation of orders of Directorate regarding revision of wages of casual labor. Even though Directorate issued orders in the month of January vide memo cited u/r the same is not being implemented at lower level in some circles particularly, TAMILNADU, ANDHRA PRADESH,WEST BENGAL & MAHARASTRA .CIRCLES. The situation is that in AP, KARNATAKA & W.BENGAL circles in some divisions new wages were paid but arrears are not drawn on the plea of non availability of budget.

Those circles are raising some hypothetical objections which are not related to the issue. Wages are to be paid to those who worked against post without any objection along with arrears.

Even though it was clearly mentioned in the order to implement 50% DA merger also as per the orders dt. 31-5-2004, the same is totally ignored in almost all circles.
As such you are requested to issue instructions, so that orders are implemented very soon uniformly throughout the Country very soon at least by 15th September 2015 by which all casual labor the low paid employees will be benefitted
28t h August 2015

After two rounds of discussion between the Group of Ministers and the central trade unions on the 12-point charter of demands of the trade unions held on 26th and 27th August 2015, the GoM headed by Finance Minister, Shri Arun Jaitley sent an appeal through the press release dated 27-08-2015 (Press Information Bureau) after 10 pm urging upon the trade unions to reconsider the call for countrywide general strike on 2nd September 2015 claiming that the Govt has given concrete assurance to consider most of the demands  of the trade unions and that the trade unions agreed to consider the Govt’s proposals. Similar appeal was also made in the meeting of 27th August.  Both the claims of the Govt are totally incorrect.   

To put the facts straight, the joint platform of central trade unions have been pursuing with successive governments at the centre with their basic demands since 2009 and observed three rounds of countrywide general strike since 2010, the last being for two days in February 2013. In the two rounds of meeting between the CTUOs and the Group of Minister, nothing transpired in concrete terms except vague statements by the ministers on steps to be taken or being taken on some of the issues, that too not in the right direction.

The Govt’s press release mentioned, inter alia, certain issues in support of their unfounded claim.
1.    The Govt stated about “appropriate legislation for making formula based minimum wages mandatory and applicable” for all. But despite concrete pointers made by the trade unions that such formula should be what has already been unanimously  recommended by the 44th Indian Labour Conference in 2012 and again reiterated by 46th Indian Labour Conference in July 2015 in which the Govt of India is also a party,  the Ministers did not give any concrete commitment on the same. In fact said formulae recommended by 44th ILC in 2012 and reiterated by 46th ILC in July 2015, makes minimum wage around Rs 20000/- at 2014 price level and the Trade Unions demanded only Rs 15,000/. The Ministers’ vague formulation does not ensure even half of that. Is such a position worth consideration?    
2.    On contract workers, the Govt assured that they will be guaranteed minimum wages. What is there to assure except spreading deliberate confusion?  Existing laws of the land lawfully ensures payment of minimum wages to contract workers. The Govt’s statement regarding “sector specific minimum wages for the contract workers” also does not make any sense. The trade unions demanded “same wages and other benefits as regular workers in the concerned industry/establishment to be paid to contract workers.” The 43rd Indian Labour Conference held in 2011 recommended the same and 46th ILC unanimously reiterated the same in 2015, in which, again, the present Govt is a party. How could they deny the unanimous recommendation of the highest tripartite forum in the country like Indian Labour Conference?
3.    The steps taken by the Govt on Labour Law amendments, are meticulously designed to throw out more than 70% of the workers on industries and other establishments from the purview and coverage of almost all basic labour laws and also to eliminate almost all components/provisions of rights and protections of the workers. This was supplemented by more aggressive steps already taken by a good number of state governments to already amend the labour laws in the similar lines. On this issue, the Govt stated only that they will hold tripartite consultation before taking such steps.  The trade unions demanded scrapping of such proposals by the central govt and also not to give assents (through President) to the unilateral amendments made by the state governments. Even in all the tripartite consultations held on some of the proposals of the Govt, the trade unions’ unanimous suggestions has been ignored by the Govt in favour of loud supportive applauds of the employers. Once these retrograde changes in labour laws totally dismantling the rights and protection measures for the workers and also throwing more that 70% of the workers out of the purview of labour laws are enacted, thereby rendering the almost entire working people a right-less entity in their workplace, what would ensure even payment of minimum wage and other social security benefits for them, even if those provisions are improved ?  Can any trade union, worth its name accept such a machination designed to impose conditions of virtual slavery on the working people ?
4.    Despite repeated insistence by all the trade unions, the Govt refused to concede to the demand for recognizing  the Scheme workers, viz., Anganwadi, Mid-day meal, ASHA, Para-teachers and others as “worker” with attendant rights of statutory minimum wages and other benefits in gross violation of the unanimous recommendation of the 45thIndian Labour Conference in 2013, reiterated again by the 46th ILC  in 2015. These workers and all the schemes have been put to further crisis threatening their existance owing to drastic cut in budgetary allocations for those schemes. In such a situation, does the assurance of the Govt to “extend social security measures” and “working out ways” for the same carry any meaning?
5.    On bonus issue, the Govt has assured to revise the eligibility and calculation ceiling to Rs 21000/- and Rs 7000/- respectively from existing Rs 10000/- and Rs 3500/-. Trade Unions’ demand has been that since there is no ceiling on profit, all ceilings in the Payment of Bonus Act should be removed altogether. Trade unions also demanded substantial upward revision of the formula for gratuity calculation and remove the ceiling on gratuity payment. The Govt has negated the demands.
6.    On price rise situation, claim of the Govt that it has gone down does not match with ground reality in respect of commodities for daily necessities of the common people. The demands of the trade unions for putting a ban on speculation/forward trading in essential commodities and services along with universalisation of public distribution system throughout the country have been totally ignored.
7.    Trade Unions demanded stoppage of disinvestment in public sector undertakings playing crucial and supportive role in advancement of the national economy. Govt totally ignored the same, rather has been going on aggressively in disinvestment route  in all the major PSUs much to the detriment of the interest of the country’s economy.  On the demands for stoppage of further FDI in defence, railways and financial sector, the stance of the Govt is continuing to be a total denial. Rather, the Govt has been aggressively pursuing deregulation and privatization in strategic sectors like electricity, Port & Docks, Airports etc in a big way.

There are other issues as well, statement of Govt continued to be totally vague and their claim is unfounded. How can anybody, rather any trade union worth its name can consider above stands taken by the Govt on vital demands of the workers as a positive development and move out from the programme of united strike action ?

Therefore, there is absolutely no reason for reconsidering the decisions of the Central Trade Unions for countrywide general strike on 2nd September 2015. Rather, the situation demands that there should be no vascillation in carrying forward the call for general strike on 2nd September 2015 throughout the country in all sectors of the economy with firm determination.

The Central Trade Unions appeal to all working people irrespective of affiliations to make the call for countrywide general strike against the anti-worker, anti-people policies of Govt a massive success.

                                                                                                                              Tapan Sen

                                                                                                                                                General Secretary CITU

18 Aug 2015


        INTUC , AITUC, CITU, BMS, HMS, LPF உள்ளிட்ட 11 மைய                    தொழிற்சங்கங்களின்  அறைகூவலை ஏற்று 

அஞ்சல் பகுதியில்  FNPO  சம்மேளனமும் 
செப்டம்பர் 2,2015 ஒரு நாள்  வேலை நிறுத்தத்தில் இணைகிறது.
 FNPO  சம்மேளனம் சார்பாக நேற்று இலாக்காவுக்கு அளிக்கப் பட்ட வேலை நிறுத்த நோட்டீஸ்  கீழே  பார்க்கவும்.\\

15 Aug 2015

                        ஆதரவு தாரீர் !!! - JCA SALEM RMS

13 Aug 2015


 our union comrades

1. Com. K. Francis Xavier  HSG-I  HSA Tiruchy RMS/2A   
2. Com. D. Adhimurugan, SA Villupuram RMS 

have been selected  by the CPMG  as Best Supervisor and Best Sorter of our Division.

T. Gunasekaran,
Divisional Secretary.


போராட்ட களத்தில் RMS CB  கோட்டம் 

முறையான விசாரணை ஏதும் இன்றி, CC டிவி  பதிவுகளை கூட ஆய்வு செய்யாமல்,  பார்சல் பைகள்  காணாமல் போனதற்காக  
நமது மாநில தலைவர் தோழர் K R கணேசன் மற்றும் Salem Jn RMS தோழர்கள் ஐவர்  மீது தான்தோன்றித்தனமாக  எடுக்கப்பட்ட பழிவாங்கும் நடவடிக்கைகளை உடனடியாக கைவிடுமாறு கோட்ட /மண்டல மற்றும் மாநில அஞ்சல் நிர்வாகத்தினை நமது கோட்டச் சங்கம் கேட்டுக்கொள்கிறது.
போராடும் RMS CB கோட்டத் தோழர்களுக்கு நமது கோட்டச் சங்கத்தின் வாழ்த்துக்கள்!!
T. குணசேகரன்,
கோட்டச்  செயலர் 

12 Aug 2015

2015-19 ஆண்டிற்கான உறுப்பினர் பரிசீலனை கூட்டத்தில் நமது கோட்ட செயலர் FNPO சங்கம் இலாகாவில் இல்லாத சங்கத்தின் பெயரை தங்களது  படிவங்களில் குறிப்பிட்டுள்ளதை ஆட்சேபித்து SSRM அவர்களுக்கும், நமது பொதுச் செயலருக்கும் எழுதிய கடிதம் 
All India RMS & MMS Employees` union-Group `C`
RMS `T` Division
   The SSRM
   RMS `T` Division

              Sub: Verification of  membership for recognition of union –reg
              Ref: 1).  DG Posts order No.13/01/2015  SR dt-09.06.2015.
                      2).  Our objections recorded in the meeting held on 0708.2015
                             to scrutinize the applications.
                       3)   Minutes of the meeting, issued by the SSRM.

          As scheduled, the meeting for the scrutinizing the applications submitted by the members of service unions was held on 07.08.2015. The meeting was conducted by the SSRM in the presence of representatives of the service unions.  T.Gunasekaran, Divisional Secretary attended the meeting on behalf of our union.

          It was noticed in the membership applications submitted by some service unions the name of the union was filled as NUR C/FNPO R3 and BRMS 3/BPEF RIII and so our union strongly objected  that such applications should not be taken into account.

          Instruction on the subject are very clear and the name of the applicant unions are appended in the DG’s order dt-09.06.2015. No such unions in the name of NUR C/ FNPO R3 and BRMS 3 / BPEF RIII are appended in the DG’s orders.

          Hence our union urge upon the SSRM to reject all such applications and also we request that the nature of action taken in this regard may kindly be intimated to this union.   
                                                         Thanking you.
           Tiruchy – 620001.                                                                    (T.Gunasekaran) 
                                                                                                          Divisional Secretar 

10 Aug 2015

உறுப்பினர் சேர்ப்பு இயக்கம்’ 2015
அன்பார்ந்த தோழர்களே! தோழியர்களே !! வணக்கம்,

2015 -19 வருடத்திற்கான உறுப்பினர் சரிபார்ப்பு படிவங்கள் 06.8.15 அன்று SSRMஅவர்களிடம் வழங்கப்பட்ட்து.

நமது இலாகாவையும் ஊழியர்களையும் காத்திடும் வேள்வியில் களமிறங்கி தொடர்ந்து போராடும் நம் சங்கம் 215உறுப்பினர்களுக்கான படிவங்களை வழங்கி முதலிட்த்தில் உள்ளது..…FNPO -141, BPEF -7.

பின்னர் 07.8.15, கோட்ட கண்காணிப்பாளர் கூட்டிய பரிசீலனை கூட்டத்தில் NFPE, FNPO, BPEF சங்கங்களின் கோட்ட செயலர்கள் கலந்து கொண்டனர். நமது சங்கத்தின் சார்பாக கோட்டச்செயலர் தோழர் T.குணசேகரன் கலந்து கொண்டார்.

இதில் FNPO சங்கம் உறுப்பினர் படிவத்தில் தங்கள் சங்கத்தின் பெயரை National Union of RMS & MMS Employees'; Group-Cஎன்பதற்கு பதிலாக NUR C/FNPO R3 என்று (அதாவது List of applicant union- இல் இல்லாத ஒரு சங்கத்தின் பெயரை) குறிப்பிட்டுள்ளது என்பதை நாம் சுட்டிக்காட்டி நமது சங்கத்தின் ஆட்சேபணையை(objection) பதிவு செய்துள்ளோம்.

மேற்கொண்டு நிர்வாகத்தின் நடவடிக்கையினை பொறுத்திருந்து பார்ப்போம்.

நிலைமை இவ்வாறிருக்க FNPO சங்கத்தின் செயல்பாடுகள் பிடிக்காமல் நமது சங்கத்திற்கு உறுப்பினர் படிவம் கொடுத்த ஊழியர்களை மிரட்டும் பணியில் மேற்குறிப்பிட்ட சங்கத்தின் தலைமை இறங்கியுள்ளது.இதனை நமது சங்கம் வன்மையாக கண்டிப்பதோடு தேவைபடுமெனில் உரிய நடவடிக்கை எடுக்கப்படுமென தெரிவிக்கிறோம்.


கோட்டச் செயலர்

5 Aug 2015


Wednesday, August 5, 2015


            The Department of Personnel and Training has informed that as per information submitted on-line by 71 Departments/Ministries, as on 01.01.2013, there were 9341 number of persons with disabilities who were employed in the Departments/Ministries of the Central Government.  State/UT-wise information is not compiled.

             As per section 46 of the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995, the appropriate Governments and the local authorities are required to provide for-

 (a) ramps in public buildings;
(b) adaptation of toilets for wheel chair users; 
(c)  braille symbols and auditory signals in elevators or lifts;
(d) ramps in hospitals, primary health centers and other medical care and rehabilitation institutions.

             All the Ministries/Departments have been requested to comply with this provision. The Ministry of Railways provides concessional fare for various classes of persons with disabilities as under:

Category of Persons
Percentage of Concession
Orthopaedically Handicapped/Paraplegic persons who cannot travel without escort –for any purpose
  • 75% in 2nd , Sleeper, 1st Class, 3AC, AC chair Car
  • 50% in 1AC and 2AC
  • 25% in 3AC & AC Chair Car of Rajdhani/Shatabdi trains
  • 50% in Monthly Season Ticket & Quarterly Season Ticket
  • One escort is also eligible for same element of concession
Mentally retarded persons who cannot travel without escort- for any purpose.
Blind persons travelling alone or with an escort- for any purpose
Deaf & Dumb persons (both afflictions together in the same person) travelling alone or with an escort- for any purpose.
· 50% in 2nd , Sleeper and 1st Class
· 50% in Monthly Season Ticket & Quarterly Season Ticket
· One escort is also eligible for same element of concession.

            Similarly, State Governments have their own schemes for providing concessional fare for persons with disabilities while travelling by the buses owned by State transport undertakings.

             As per Section 33 of the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995, every appropriate Government are required to  appoint in every establishment such percentage of vacancies not less than three per cent for persons or class of persons with disability of which one per cent each is reserved for persons suffering from blindness or low vision; (ii) hearing impairment; (iii) locomotor disability or cerebral palsy, in the posts identified for each disability.

4 Aug 2015

நீண்ட காலமாக தேங்கிக் கிடந்த CASUAL LABOUR பிரச்சினையில் நாம் RJCM இல் இந்தப் பிரச்சினையை வைத்ததன் விளைவாக தற்போது தீர்வு நோக்கிய முன்னேற்றம். கீழே பார்க்க : CPMG TN அவர்கள் அனைத்து PMG க்களுக்கும் அளித்திருக்கும் கடிதத்தின் நகலை .



The Chief PMG
Tamilnadu Circle
The Postmasters General
Chennai City Region, Chennai-600002
Central Region, Tiruchirapalli-620001
Southern Region, Madurai-625002
Western Region, Coimbatore-641002
The Director, PTC  Madurai-625022
The Director, Foreign Post, Chennai
The General Manager, (PA&F), Chennai-600008
The Manager, MMS, Chennnai-600006
Chennai Airmail Sorting Division, Chennai-600027
Chennai  Sorting Division, Chennai-600008
RMS “M” Division,Chennai-600008
The Supdt,
CSD/PSD, Chennai-600004/Chennai-600010
The executive Engineer, Civil, Chennai-600008

ESB/union/2013  dated    at Chennai-600002               the       30.7.2015

Sub : 90th RJCM meeting with Chief PMG to be held on 6.8.2015.

         The subject to be discussed in 90th RJCM meeting is reproduced below for furnishing report before 15.00 hrs on 31.7.2015.

         “ Non drawal  of revised wages /DA and nonpayment of arrears from 1.1.2006 to all full time/part time casual labourers and non payment of weekly off  though ordered in Dte Lr.No. 2-53/2011-PCC dt 22.1.2015& clarification issued in this office lr No.ESB/300-134/2015 dt 21.7.2015. They are eligible for weekly off .as per dte lr 45-60/88-SPB I dt 7.7.88 for six days continuous work. This was reiterated by CPMG,in lr No. REP/84-1/89 dated 19.4.90.Divisional heads are denying their rights on the plea that there is no casual labourer working under their control, despite of issuance of orders by chief PMG in lr no. REP/84-73/II(p) dated 8.8.13 confirming dte lr 65-24/88-SPB-I dt17.5.89.

           This may kindly be treated as MOST URGENT.

For Chief Postmaster General,

                                                                     T.Nadu Circle ,Chennai-600002.