நமது இலாகாவின் மீது பாரத பிரதமரின் தனிபட்ட அக்கறை
Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Prime Minister's Office
07-January-2015 13:43 IST
PM: Postal network can
become a driving force for Indian Economy
The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, today said that the postal network can
become a driving force for the Indian Economy, just like the Indian Railways.
His remarks came during the presentation of a report by the task force on
leveraging the post office network. The Prime Minister, after an initial
discussion on various aspects of the report, has directed that the
recommendations of the task force be studied in detail within a short period of
time, so that necessary follow-up action can be initiated.
The Prime Minister said the postman, along with the teacher, is the most
respected Government employee in rural areas.
The Prime Minister said the Department of Posts has huge assets across India,
and ways should be explored to suitably use these assets for the benefit of the
people. He said post offices in rural areas can be used to deliver services and
important government information to individual households.
The Minister for Communication and IT, Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad, was present on
the occasion. The presentation on behalf of the task force was given by its
Chairman, Shri T.S.R. Subramanian.
there is a proposal to make the INDIA POST as a company. Workers should unite and fight the evil designs of the Govt.